I <3 Death in Paradise, suck at dancing, had the best audition ever and am being positive

Nov 09, 2011 09:48

So, I haven’t written anything for NaNo for two days but I sort of don’t care. My brain is in the middle of heading straight for another meltdown; go directly to meltdown, do not pass go, do not collect £200. All I want to do is cry and whinge or veer wildly to the other extreme and get so angry I want to strangle people. However, I am refusing to do any of the above and am concentrating on the good stuff.

So on that vein I am celebrating a very good evening last night. It was partly good because it was Death in Paradise night and I am totally falling in love with that show. It’s quite wonderfully formulaic in many ways, but it is so much fun! There are some great lines in it (“he may be a good scientist, but he’s not much of a grouter”) and the characters are lovely, including the smaller characters who actually have personalities. And there’s a little baby Rex in it! Anyway, it’s tons of fun and def a highlight of my week.

But the best part of my day was that I had an audition for the Olympic ceremonies last night. It was so much fun! I’ll find out in the next few days if I’ve got a call back for the next round or not, but just having the experience of yesterday was wonderful.

There were 200 of us auditioning together and I’ve never done anything on that scale before. We danced and performed for two hours and I was shattered at the end of it, but enjoyed every minute. Couple of amusing moments included me completely fucking up the choreographed routine, but I always do that early on in learning a routine so it wasn’t exactly unexpected. I just laughed through it and hoped for the best. They had said at the start not to worry about messing up they were looking for more than that and how you deal with it is all part of it.

The other thing that is still making me giggle is that during another dancing section I got so carried away during the free-style bit that I totally missed that everyone else and the woman leading us had gone back to the synchronised bit. Twice.

nanowrimo, olympics, i have depression - it does not have me, ben miller is the god of cool, audition

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