Title: First Aid
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Ryan/Stephen/Connor
Words: 100
Rating,Warnings: 15
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Primeval.
Spoilers: None
AN: For
primeval100 picture prompt.
Ryan lay flat and naked on the bed, wincing.
The At-Least-Not-As-Big-As-They-Usually-Are-asaurus’s tail had caught him hard and thrown him into a mess of brush and razor-sharp twigs. They had ripped through his clothing, digging deeper as he tried to free himself, and tearing at his skin. A multitude of scratches and lacerations now criss-crossed his body.
But Connor’s hands were warm as they gently cleaned each one before placing a soft kiss to every part of torn skin. Stephen followed in his wake, offering his own kisses to the damaged flesh, soothing the way for the sting of antiseptic cream.