J-Cup Farewell

Jun 10, 2008 14:33

My days are numbered here and countdown starts this week with many farewell lunches going on for the past 2 weeks. This week is harder to bear as My last day gets closer & closer. I decided to make some cupcakes for my great colleagues over the weekends with simple garden design so that they can remember the Dear Sweet Me.....(thick skin). I decided to name them J-Cup - not because that I'm this huge in size but bcoz the Cup Fever has been getting in & I did an initiate J aka JANET! Invited some of my great colleagues and some were surprised that I can bake (not pro. but still can survive & still learning....hehe). That's my dark SECRET!

I took some pixs with some of the colleagues who 'chop' J-Cup 1st.

Mary, Myka, Zubaidah & ME

colleagues, baking

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