Oct 31, 2006 16:17
Another month down...too much stuff to do.
I'm finally getting ideas in my head about what to do with the wedding...which is still 6 months away (and yet it seems so close). Of course I still need to talk $$ with the parentals, so that's job #1. The guest list is started but I need to add more and get input and then we need to start sending cards out.
Work is crazy... my coworker is due any day now and she knows everything. We hired a new person, but they're not going to be able to do everything that was done before. At least I got sales tax done this morning and put in so the man won't come after us.
I got to see lair_it_up this weekend when I picked her up so she could work on Sunday. Her place is very college dorm-like ;) We made cookies at my place and she got to play some guitar hero with teh_murph. They're both way better than me so I stick to knitting and watching.
Back to work so I can leave soon!