september can go away now

Sep 29, 2006 12:43

I've now officially received enough bad news to last the rest of the year. Not only is my grandpa battling cancer, now my great uncle is too. Cancer sucks and I'm going to be pissed if either of them dont make it through this. It's bad enough to see my grandpa in pain and not wanting to admit it, but he just seems beaten down about it all. To top it off, one of my friends from school died last week. *bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh*

It's a good thing that there are 2 days left to September, I'm thinking that October has to be better.

After completely wasting time at the last dress shopping session (except for hanging out w/lair_it_up) I'm trying it again tomorrow with teh mom and maybe lair_it_up too. This time is 'serious' tho...I'm trying to decide what I really want (aside from tea length). It's a bit more difficult since I'm also trying to excercise more and get at least more toned if not lose poundage. So something that looks good now might not look as good in 6 months. *decisions!*

I won't know for sure until I try them on, but I think I've found shoes to go with the dress that hasn't been picked out ;) In red of course...
I'll be really sad if they're not comfy, but we'll see.

Ugh, time to get back to work. 4 more hours before the weekend!
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