Mar 19, 2004 10:42
Ok so today is just another day closer to those exams. Sometimes I wonder if i'll ever pass and if all this studying work and stress is all for nothing. If you had to get a stress meter to test my stress levels they'll probably be constantly rising!
To make matters worse i broke up with Marco and last week and have been feeling miserable ever since! I honestly thought that breaking up was what I wanted and that my feelings for him had changed completely (and pretty much overnight too). The thing is that i didn't expect it to affect me so much or to feel so horrible afterwards, i was so sure at the time, that it had to be the right thing to do and i still think that I did the right thing somehow,even though I miss him a real lot, but it's still confusing. At least he seems pretty alright he's going out and having fun with his friends and that's the most important thing. He's still talking to me and we're still friends, however things definitely aren't the same! But obviously I expected this and i hope that things will get better....imma issa naraw kemm!
I got some extra cash coming in this week as this student wanted English private lessons before he goes back to Germany. It was a relief actually because the guy was and is really nice and we had a good laugh in the lesson so I had a chance to relax a bit and get my mind off of physiotherapy and what's been going on with Marco. This week was also the last week of helping that brat with her homework. My gosh what a waste of time that was, she wouldn't try one little bit, I mean for god sakes who gets a 7/100 in maths after months of studying the same few chapters. Anyways she's out of my hands now, if she wants to dig her own grave she can do it alone now!
Today am gonna pamper myself and this time NOT with food, been doing that too often lately and the scales are a proof of that! Am gonn amake myself look like a decent person at least and make myself look like Audrey again, because my relationship with the mirror is deteriorating at an accelerated rate. My encounters with it have turned into frightening experiences which have become unbearable. So today I choose to change that. and I think I'll get started with that right now!
Toodles all!