Dec 08, 2003 20:49
i am doing so bad at school its unbearable
i think im gonna fail physics for this fact i KNOW i am. i have 70's across the board and i know ill fail the exam so that leaves me with..failing
i got busted today by ms miles by now she like hates me..i guess im doing ok in that class..but im definitely gonna fail every major test in that class..i have no idea what a DBQ is..
english..not too bad until this 6 weeks..i didnt do:
+lit/rhet book allusions-major grade
+dialectic journal-major major grade (that alone will fail me)
+most recent lit/rhet-daily
+about 5 failing grades on tests/quizzes-somewhat major yeah..that blows.
i could get exempt from BCIS and photo j..but i have too many absences..this yr isnt turning out too well =(
and love..well..yeah.