Shocking News

Jan 13, 2009 01:05

This email was the first mail in my Gmail when I checked my inbox today.


I have a not so happy news to share with all of you today...

Well, as of last friday 9 Jan 09, WBG has offcially become history... WBG was involved in a court case and because of some money that they owed other people, the judge has ordered that the company be liquidated. The company is officially closed down.

It was kind of a sad thing for me for this is a place that I made many life long friends and a place where I learnt many skills that eventually allow me to earn my first $30K cheque within two weeks... And since we have shared the journey together, I just thought you might want to know... that this chapter of our life, has offcially come to an end...

But like a great man I know say, "No matter what happens in life, only one thing is certain.. IT GOES ON..."

Anyway, for those of you who have been consuming the WBG products, dun worry... as I have mentioned, we have already found some great products to replace these products. They are similar in terms of benefits and has far greater effectiveness at about the same cost.

For this month only, if you were to purchase these wonderful products in bulk, you can enjoy at an extra promotion which will give you up to 50% more stocks. So it is a good time to SAVE MONEY:) For more details and enquiries, contact Angel at

For some of you who might still have cheques with the company, you can contact Angel at  as well and I will pass you the liquidator's form for claiming for the cheques oweing to you. There is no guarantee that we will get anything back and it will take 6-12 mths to get the money back but my gut feel is that we will need a little luck to get it back..

Anyway, it is a new year.. and I think we might have better luck trying to earn the money back :) It's faster and definitely easier.. and if you are interested to find out my solution to the current economic crisis where there are decreasing jobs, no bonuses and large number of layoffs.. contact me lah.. :) You are in the most perfect timing in the most perfect place to turn your life around and make more money and lead the life you always wanted :)


She sounded really happy (from the wordings "not so happy news" etc). And, when I read the email, I was irritated and angry. It is the lack of sense of gratitude (smeared with some glee) that I was agitated by. I saw a projection. Angel and WBG = Me and my parents. The energy feels the same. Like many, although deep down inside I am grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me, I do not express my gratitude. They raised me up, and showered me with love and concern. Yet, their kindness are not recipocated at times (it is better now). Just like I feel that Angel is not truly grateful to WBG, I am not truly grateful to my parents.

Typing this, I realized that I have still yet to accept that children, no matter how old we are, will always be children in the eyes of our parents. Yet, I do not want to be treated like a children anymore, and gets irritated when people treat me like a children. The paradox arises when I act like a child at times, and hope to be pampered. It is a journey I have to complete.

And, I read the email feeling that Angel is kind of fake/plastic. It is part of me as well, that I will be accomodating to everyone and try to please everyone. Often, I end up in situations where I had to be fake (pretend to be happy). I learned to accept this is part of me, and am learning to reject people without feeling bad. Well, in our lives I had, and will have many people stepping into, and out of my life. If I do my best to please everyone, I will find myself ending up in a sorrow state. I often advocate putting self in the first place. So, I have to learn to put myself in the first place, again.


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