Working at work? The nerve!

Jan 04, 2007 11:54

Imagine the temerity of my company giving me a full 8+ hours of work to complete in a workday. I mean, do they actually expect me to blog at HOME? I wouldn't be so pissed off about it if the people who were supposed to be helping me weren't complete slackers and leaving me with all the work. Now I have a moral dilemma - rat them out and make my life easier or grin and bear it? I've been considering my options and I can't see myself turning coat. I'll likely get shanked in the bathroom if I do. Taking 5 minutes to write this is my passive aggressive way of getting back at the world. EAT BLOG BASTARDS!

*deep breath*

Had a great New Year's Eve thanks to Katie, J Travis, and especially Jeremy. rrrawr. :p Went out to see Children of Men the next afternoon and ZOMG was it great. I love those "what if" movies where everything goes to hell in a hand basket. I really need to get the book and see if that's better than the movie.(It almost certainly is) On the subject of kickass movies, would anyone like to go see Pan's Labyrinth sometime next week?

*Edit* It's not releasing in Atlanta until the 19th! AAAARGHLE!
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