Dear Purchase,
Please stop sucking in the "internet connectivity" department.
Dear Indoor Kids,
This weekend was the annual "Musical Theater" show at Purchase. For a mere three dollars you got to see the dance conservatory do senior choreographed pieces spoofing movies (this years theme). The program was as follows
India Jones
James Bond (in which I played James)
A Tribute to Tim Berton (Beatle Juice, Edward Scissor Hands and Nightmare Before Christmas)
A showcase of Godfather, Scar Face, Kill Bill, and Shaft (this one was really strange)
Bollywood (I was in this one too. It was me and this other girl dancing like we were in a Bollywood film. No one understood it, neither did we. God I hated this dance.)
Willy Wonka
A break dancing version of Star Wars
listen to it here(we have some amazing break dancers here, this was my favorite)
And to end it all: a dance audition with scenes from Center Stage, Flash Dance, and Dirty Dancing
These were all 6-week projects with full costumes, lighting, staging and real dancing. Almost all of them were hilarious... I will exclude Clue from that because it tried to get a message across. The end contained a voting booth, images of John Kerry and President Bush, and then a sign that read something like this "The uninformed voter in the voting booth with no clue". Yeah... we don't talk about that one. But other then that I had a great time with bond girls a plenty, fight scenes, an evil genius and a stolen painting.
After the show was the cast party... Great music, a million people crammed in one apartment, lots of drinks and several girls who I told were beautiful. Oh and there was this big kissing frenzy at one point.
So that was my life, now it's back to dancing... well more respected forms anyway.
Peace out yo.