OK. Too much news.

Apr 11, 2009 20:33

To give you poor people a rest, I disabled my loudtwitter shipments to my LJ. Keeps things a little quieter.

Kind of a strange deja vu but not deja vu at all - seeing the same House episodes I was seeing when I was writing my thesis...and living in the new apartment...in the meantime helping my mom with her homework. She's doing a video project. It's painful to watch older adults try to understand technology. Currently doing the final renders and picking out errors each time. Then fixing and re-rendering. Good thing House is there to keep me company :)

Home in Long Island for the wknd. Some shit hit the fan here as well. Not sure details are necessary to be written, let's just say I've come down to be there for my niece and nephew and make sure they know I'm there for them. People suck.

Certainly an oddball Easter weekend. Enough strange shit on Good Friday, then today is limbo day, the vigil...just sit and pass time in shock and rain while I render endless video or do errands or hang with Dylan...I wonder if events will continue to coincide with the theme of the day. That'd be nice.

"Life goes on", says Greg House at this moment.

I'm not sure of the point of this post. I guess I haven't had a good period of time (or trigger) to get existential lately. I have it pretty good, all things considered. I guess maybe it's just a part of my hereditary disposition toward insanity that manifests itself in me via infrequent waves of wondering what the hell the point of it all really is. And again, there was a whole trigger with the shit over on this Island that probably started this wave.

God is strange.
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