Twits from the Brit

Apr 03, 2009 00:56

  • 09:44 Just once I'd like to access the wealth of my company's technical information without being bombarded with Exception Reports >_< #
  • 12:30 Writing a Manufacturing Equipment Specification. Quite possibly the most mind-numbing exercise in creation. At least in my job... #
  • 13:16 I *will* run today. I have no excuse not to. Work til 4:30 --> Run --> Pack up office for the big move --> more drinking? Silent Hill? Both? #
  • 18:41 Just found a bunch of my notes from undergrad and grad school while emptying out my desk. Some things you just can't get rid of! #
  • 18:48 ...And after looking through my notes from PropSys I realize I completely lost my marbles on several occasions during tha class. La la la... #
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