Every week I read my horoscope from
Free Will Astrology by Rob Brezsny. I find that they're less about "the stars are aligned to make you do this" and more little paragraphs of things you can think about. Like a capsulated counselor or such. Here is what mine said tonight:
"If you removed all of the homosexuals and homosexual influence from what is generally regarded as American culture," said author Fran Lebowitz, "you would pretty much be left with [the TV game show] 'Let's Make A Deal.'" That's an exaggeration, of course, but it contains a large grain of truth. I offer this as a prod for you to deepen your understanding of the complexities of gender, Virgo. Astrologically speaking, it's an excellent time to do so. If you identify yourself as a heterosexual, meditate on the qualities you express that are commonly thought of as the specialty of the opposite sex. Consider the possibility that you are actually 65 percent female, 25 percent male, and 10 percent neither, or maybe 15 percent female, 70 percent male, and 15 percent transgender. If you regard yourself as gay, explore the hypothesis that a part of you is secretly kind of straight. Open your mind to the possibility that human beings come in hundreds of different genders.