Nov 05, 2008 18:48
Dear 52% of California,
I thought better of you. We may have anticipated something of the sort from Arizona and Florida, even Arkansas. But yours hurts. You have always represented a relative rationality in your social consciousness, but the statement you decided to make of "We value this, and you can't have it" is selfish and discriminatory in its most basic and ugliest sense. You have once again given us an ill-tasting faith in humanity's truly sad ability, nay desire, to create a second-class of citizenry for those who are not like you.
I understand that you have some qualms about homosexuality in general concept or practice, but I defy you to share with me one honest way in which continuing to allow homosexuals their civil right to marriage affects in any tangible way your personal marriage. And when you can't, let me introduce you to my personal friends whose marriages are being legally dissolved and socially devalued by your prejudice. Their lives are being decided for them by those who would not dream of letting another decide their own.
Enjoy your toys while they last,