Our Life. One Hundred Million Puppets.

May 10, 2005 22:58

Notre Vie. Cent Mille Marionnettes.


Your idea of an ordinary day obviously cannot be the same as everyone else’s. If this were the case, our world would simply just be… boring. Fortunately we have the not-so-perfect genetic makeup that builds earth into what it is today. With that said I am going to paint what has become known as a simple elegant life, but in reality full of complexity and mystery.

Is it just me, or does anyone else hate the question, “Well what if you were in the other persons’ shoes”? Indeed, a terribly easy question. To be honest here, if I was in the other persons’ shoes then I would be them, not me. I would see things from his’ or hers’ perspective, not mine. I guess that is the point for the particular saying but if I was someone else I'd still want to please myself. So in turn, I would still have to worry about other people’s point of view. No matter which way you look at it we are all extremely narcissistic. That question, a perfect example. All that confusion can be drawn out of a little hated question. Imagine now taking our entire “simple” world and drawing it out. Is it practical? Not probable. Is it impossible though? Definitely not.

If we are to examine every single person’s life, it’d be concluded that everyone copies off of everyone else. Even celebrities and other such praised people copy others. Unfortunately and extremist on this topic, such as myself, would say there really is no such thing as creativity. Many artists, authors, and comparable citizens would take great offense in that statement. Yet, try to be strait-foreword with yourself. Tell me who you are; tell me what molded your personality into what it is today. Our composition is just a mass blend of hundreds of other people, who even themselves are made up of hundreds of citizens. Since we all share millions of characteristics from all sorts of people, our so called creativity is dampened. Our “creativity” and “uniqueness” is actually plagiarized. In a sense our personalities are stolen from millions of people with out there consent. An unbelievably depressing thought. You are unique, just like everyone else.

Before you jump out and practically kill me for bringing you into this reality, give me some time to let you in on the good news. Believe it or not the fact that we are a compilation of billions  (gajillions just for Kelley) of other people is a mesmerizing and enchanting thought. Yes, you may not be as much of an individual as you thought, but think of all the amazing people we have to copy. Albert Einstein, Martin Luther, Abe Lincoln, even Jesus Christ lived as a human being - that is just to name a few. Take your pick, at least that part is up to you. We may not be creative but we are at least master thieves. I can’t think of anything better than considering myself a combination of everyone I admire. That is the single greatest thought ever to cross my mind; I can live a plagiarized life, copied off that of Jesus Christ.
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