There is No Excuse to be Bored

May 03, 2010 21:26

There is no such thing as being bored. Is there? I don’t believe that being bored is something that would be the cause of anything but yourself. It’s all the matter of choice really. I surely don’t think that it is an option to do drum-rolling with your finger while you are getting bored to death. It is in the dictionary true but getting around the word is such shallow move. The mind capable of imagining makes no room for dullness. There are moments that you are getting tired and you’re body ain’t capable of moving or your brain got totally drained and have nothing left to do but being immobile. Sometimes just staying still and be quiet and have your whole aura rest is the most productive thing to do. And I guess this is not boredom but chance for renewal. Ones outlook has something to say in this matter.

“Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.” - Wayne Dyer

You are stuck watching a movie when everybody else is enjoying it while you are not. You found it boring and leaving is not an option because you think it will offend everyone in there. So you are sunk in your chair making yourself suffer with the thought of what-in-the-world-am-I-doing-here notion.

You are commissioned to housesit and you are all alone. And then you feel sad with the thought that you are alone. You become depressed and your mind is clouded from answers to what-else-is-there-to-do. And then you succumbed to being bored.

You are stuck with a lousy date and conversations just don’t flow and all you think really is how to get out of there quickly.

“There's no excuse to be bored. Sad, yes. Angry, yes. Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there's no excuse for boredom, ever.” -Viggo Mortensen

Mind is capable of lots of things that you can be amused about. It’s a matter of utilising imagination. It’s a matter of looking at the lighter side of the spectrum. It’s a matter of being positive. A lousy movie may not be lousy at all if you consider any chance that you may find something benefitting with it. Maybe by looking at a different angle, movie watching is not really what you are trying to achieve here but to spend quality time with friends. Watching Barney with my child is never boring. Although I don’t fancy much a purple dinosaur, I still have a blast with my kid. Being alone in the house may be an opportunity for you to do the things that you can only do when you are alone. Pull out all the boxes of acrylics and start painting again. Exercise. Finish the book you have been neglected for a long time. How about getting deeper to the guy you are dating and see if there are more layers beneath. He may have the software that will solve the problem to a particular programme you are working on. He maybe a good singer whom you long for as an addition to a chorale you are forming. It’s a matter of giving chances. Give it a chance. Give it a darn chance. A second look or third look is worth it to brighten the day.

I remember a story of two soldiers at war. One had a worldly lifestyle and the other lived a moral life. The worldly guy said,” Herb, you seem to be happy. But if I had to live the way you do, I’d just as soon be dead.” He was implying that a life that is so moral had to be boring.  Being boring and being happy do not sound right at the same time. Do they? There must be something behind the glow on their faces. Why don’t you just give it a chance? Give it a darn chance.

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