Sep 17, 2005 15:51
So yeah, I'm having a sh**ty weekend so far.
Friday: Nothing to big, just school. After that I went to the Grill fest in German, which was pretty fun. Then I went to the football game. It was ok I guess, but I'm sorta getting pissed off. It's not about Annie or anything, cause she was only helping her friend out, and I respect that. It's my f***ing soccer team! They're so gay! It's like I let in a goal and all the sudden it's my fault we're losing! I mean some goals are the goalkeepers fault. I wont deny that. But not every goal is! Who's the people that are suppose to stop the forwards from shooting huh? THE DEFENDERS! The goalkeepers job is to protect the net and the 18 yard box, not to freakin hault the other forwards! So people on my soccer team need to lightin up and shut the hell up cause none of them would do any better of a job.
Saturday: Couldn't go to dad's since he wasn't picking me up...and I've just been wandering around Saginaw. Which is pretty cool, but there's nothing to do in Saginaw...And now I'm at the library and this pen pal of mine is being all bitchy cause I have a gf now. What is up with everyone? I love Annie and people can't seem to respect that. Jesus, if you all the sudden hate me cause I have a gf, then go f*** yourself and get off my damn back!
Sunday: more gayness
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Jon Ratski