Jan 13, 2006 20:31
I got my AGS yearbook. It's really good and makes me miss everybody again. I had no teachers today. Two were in a department meeting at the Board and one is in Missouri. I had some tests today and they were not enjoyable but I got through them all. Thursday I set up the golf net during P.E. It was fun to be able to just hit balls for 90 min.
Since it rained today I couldn't. At the library I rented To Kill a Mockingbird, A Fish Called Wanda, and In America. I also got A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. He also wrote About a Boy and High Fidelity. Tomorrow I've got to be at the library @ 10a.m. for mock congressional hearing practice. I'll probably go back to sleep afterwards.
I'm so ready to go to college. I recieved a letter telling me about the scholarship's I'll be getting. I won't bore anyone with the details of it, so don't worry. I've had enough of high school.
My feelings against marriage and children were reinforced this evening.
Enough of the randomness of this post. No wonder I don't update much.