[fst] Drove Through the Ghosts to Get Here

Feb 09, 2011 00:00

There's a very wide variety of music on here. Pop, rock, swing/jazz/blues, WWII-era, some instrumental and piano pieces, and even what might qualify as a little rap-ish. (You'll see what I mean.) I tried to include music by artists that are somewhat-unknown but not completely out-of-the-blue, and artists that people know but maybe not the song. I also used some of my own head-canon for the selections so--you know, I'll just explain each one.

(As a note before you go on: I have a bulk download link at the bottom, but if you click the title of each piece listed, you can download them all separately. Also: All of the images ARE present. I'm just an idiot and skipped '006' when I was saving them. /headdesk.gif)

001.) Drove Through the Ghosts to Get Here | 65daysofstatic
Instrumental; 'Story' track

Well, look at the title. As we know, poor, dear England had a rough time of it after America declared independence so England would be, understandably, bitter. That would mean he'd have a few issues or ghosts to sort through. I imagine that he'd have a really rough time of it admitting that he wanted/needed America's help in WWII and working up the courage to set the past aside. The music's a little haunting but progressive. I feel it fits all right, personally.

002.) Goodbye for Now | Two Steps from Hell
Instrumental; 'Story' track

This kind of back-tracks the head-canon bit, going back to the point where England realizes he's lost his precious colony but still ... kind of in the denial stage. Especially if you try to incorporate the War of 1812 and Great Britain's intent, oh ho ho. No, but seriously: As for America, it's my opinion (for both the canon and my own historical opinion) that he didn't necessarily want to sever all of his ties with England forever. Just for a little while so that he could actually stand on his own. Awww Engwand, your wittle Amewica is all gwown up.

003.) Pick U Up | Adam Lambert
'Story' track

Tiny-minded two-toned suckers
Same old faces make me shudder
Countless times I've screamed, "Oh brother!"
Where are you? I need someone to be my lover

All my life I've been waiting
Pass my time procrastinating now
It's a trip on the flip
A flashback through the scene
Can't you see what I mean?

Ah, the first true, "Wtf were you thinking, I mean really," song. :); Really, I have good reason! If you ... look into it, I swear. It's really more or less their issues/personalities spoken about in those stanzas. In head-canon-verse, this is the issue they're facing now that they're being forced to cooperate on a much closer and personal level, so their UST feelings are starting to surface.

004.) Baby (You've Got What It Takes) | Michael Bublé feat. Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings

You know it takes a lot of kissin'
To make a romance sweet
Oh it takes a lot of lovin'
To make my life complete

Oh, well it takes somebody special
To knock me off my feet
And baby, you've got what it takes

This isn't necessarily head-canon-verse; it's just a cute little song that I always picture America singing to England. (IT'S OKEY. HE'S AMERICAN. Oh, come on. America totally thinks Michael Bublé is American--you know it.) I do think it fits them rather well. For both of them and their antics (plus the whole long-distance thing), there's a lot of necessary ... lovin'. :] There's also the whole tightness of their relationship and the closeness of their work, proving themself to the other.

005.) Our Same Word (Orch.) | Yiruma

Ah, the first Yiruma! Again, not really head-canon-verse, but I think it speaks (or uh, 'plays,' as the case may be). I don't think the music is necessarily 'sad' but I really wouldn't classify it as 'happy'. That, along with the title of course, makes me think of the whole, "Two nations separated by a common language," as well as their canonical misunderstandings and America's choice to not read the atmosphere around him. It leads to all kinds of "not-really-that-cool"-ness between he and England that could have been avoided.

006.) You Do Something to Me | Dorothy Dandridge
'Story' track

You do somethin'--somethin' to me
Somethin' that simply mistifies me
Tell me, tell me: Why should it be
You've got the power to hypnotize me

Let me live 'neath your spell
You do that voodoo that you do so well
Oh you do something to me
That nobody else can do

This is really more America -> England due to the whole 'magic/voodoo' comment. (Yeah, I know America blows it off but let me have this.) But we're back to head-canon-verse! So in the 'story,' we're at the point where America's realizing, "Hey, lol, England's kinda weird still but this is cool, this is cool...."

007.) Dream a Little Dream of Me | Yiruma

This is such an adorable song and this piano rendition is just ... really cute. :) Not too much to explain other than both of them wishing/hoping that the other's thinking of them and ... picking up the hints. Lmao.

008.) We'll Be Together Again | Frank Sinatra

Times when I know you'll be lonesome
And times I know when you'll be sad
But don't let temptation surround you
Don't let the blues makes you bad

Someday, someway
We both have a lifetime before us
For parting is not goodbye
We'll be together again

This one is much harder to explain; I think it fits more in the unspoken sadness when either of them have to leave the other. (I mean, they certainly can't be together all the time, right?) Certainly they handle it well and realize that they're not exactly going to just drop dead--they know they'll see each other again soon. :)

009.) Your Song | Elton John
'Story' track

So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten
If they're green or they're blue

Anyway, the thing is
What I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes
I've ever seen

OMGSHUTUP. Okay so. In head-canon-verse, this is more of the, "Hey, I'm definitely going to try for you! I'm not perfect (well, debatable of course) but I do really like you!" song. ...Yeah. Cheesy. Welcome to my life. |D But it's sweet and fluffy and ... very waffy. =w=

010.) My Funny Valentine | Frank Sinatra

Your looks are laughable
Yet you're my favorite work of art

Is your figure less than greek
Is your mouth a little weak
When you open it to speak
Are you smart?

But don't change your hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay, little valentine, stay
Each day is valentine's day

...Do I really need to explain this one? (Hair = Eyebrows) + Valentine's Day = ...This?

011.) River Flows in You | Yiruma

Hey, can you tell I like Yiruma, yet? This is a really pretty piece that I always associate with our darling US/UK when I hear it. There's really no solid explanation for including it other than that--but it is a nice piece of music. =u=

012.) White Flag | Far East Movement feat. Kayla Kay
'Story' track

Up all night, feelin' like a fiend
Livin' in a nightmare, lookin' for a dream
I wanna live so free free free
Not doing just me me me
Sometimes you you sometimes me me

I'll give it all
Baby till there's nothing, nothing
For me to give at all

So. This would probably seem to belong on any ... Italy-based FST. I chose it as a head-canon-verse song to fill the, "This is what I'm willing to do for you," slot. You have to take into account, too, that sometimes the US and UK's Special Relationship is truly shown through the depth of political closeness and sacrifice of one's economy/resources/etc for the other's. Tight, yo.

013.) A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square | Vera Lynn

When dawn came stealing up all gold and blue
To interrupt our rendezvous
I still remember how you smiled and said,
"Was that a dream, or was it true?"

Our homeward step was just as light
As the tap-dancing feet of Astair
And like an echo far away
A nightingale sang in Berkely Square

Not necessarily relevant to any canon, but I like to picture it as one of their first ~rendezvous~ after the war and being deleriously happy and losing track of time. :) (Hey, if you can't have these kinds of imagination-songs on an FST, why make an FST?)

014.) Sent You My Heart | Yiruma

LAST YIRUMA, I SWEAR, but definitely an absolutely beautiful piece of music. Another not-really-head-canon-verse but I picture of it more like the piece that says, "I'm trusting you, don't ruin this because I'm not going to." (It really should be in story verse....)

015.) Our Love Affair | Judy Garland
'Story' verse

Our love affair
Was meant to be
It's me for you, dear
And you for me

We'll fuss, and quarrel
And tears start to brew
But after the tears
Our love will smile through

So, just because they'd be in a relationship does not mean all is ~pretty pretty rainbows~. They're still America and England and squabble--but it doesn't mean they don't love each other. They care enough about the other to get upset and have no fear telling the other that what they're doing is stupid. In story verse, they've realized that no matter what they argue over, they're still very much in love. :)

016.) Hold On | Michael Bublé

There's a thousand ways
For things to fall apart
But it's no one's fault
No it's not my fault

And maybe all the plans
We made might not work out
But I have no doubt
Even though it's hard to see
I've got faith in us
And I believe in you and me

...There is a lot of stress in being a nation, I'm sure. You'd always need someone there to help you out who knows just what you'd be going through. With how close these two are (America and England, I mean), I think they'd be each others' default go-to's.

017.) UK Visa Versa | MC Lars

...So I'm sure that this has made its way onto several US/UK FSTs. I just ... I couldn't not include it. I can't really explain it--I just. Listen to the song. I can't really put any lyric selection up there simply for the fact that I'd end up quoting the entire song. Also, and very obviously, America->England.

018.) You Turned My World Around | Frank Sinatra
'Story' track

Walkin' lonely streets
Lookin' for a sign
Livin' lonely dreams
Life with no design

Like lonely people do
Livin' in the past
Only finding loves
That didn't last

Then the shadows of my life
Felt the sun and saw your face
as your love fell all around me
Making perfect time and space

Oh, look at that, another Frank Sinatra. This one is finally more England -> America and fits in head-canon-verse with England's personal acceptance of how deep his feelings are.

019.) Next 100 Years | Bon Jovi
'Story' track

Stand by me
I would gladly give up everything

I'm gonna hold ya
Till your hurt is gone
Be the shoulder
That you're leanin' on
I'll be standing here
For the next 100 years

This should be another fairly obviously selection due to the title but musically I think the composition is marvelous. It's a bit of a lengthy piece but if you listen to it, there's this awesome, awesome, awesome guitar solo in the second half and the addition of the violins trumpets adds this sort of intense elegance that blends America and England together. :) (Seriously--listen to the whole song. It's awesome if you like rock n' roll and orchestrated music.)

020.) It Tells a Story | Two Steps from Hell
Instrumental, 'Story' track

I just. I just...! It's so pretty and magical and--and!! Well, both England and America are kind of romanticists, right? True love shall prevail and happy endings are awesome, right? Well, I think this piece is that, with their happy ending. :)


...SO. That's my FST! If you download it, I really hope you enjoy it! There's a bit of variety so I hope at you at least liked one thing on it. Let me know what you think of it, or if there was a particular song you really liked (or even didn't, lol)!

>>> Click here to download it! <<<

Let's go, Sweethearts' Week!! ♥

pairing: us/uk, fandom: hetalia, event: usxuk sweethearts' week 2011, character: england, character: america, !fst

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