Rhett Miller concert

Apr 02, 2010 01:15

We will return to "Catching Up" shortly. However, I went to a Rhett Miller concert on Thursday, and had to share his amusing monologue from throughout the song "Question" (which is about a guy proposing to his girlfriend). Note: Just before the previous song, he asked if there were any kids in the audience; there were, so he didn't tell a dirty joke at the time.

[opening chords]

So, has anyone ever proposed on April Fools' Day? It seems like a sketchy proposition. Like, you get down on one knee and say that she's the only person for you, and then "Will you marry me?" And she starts crying and just when she's about to say yes, you say "APRIL FOOLS." And that's your last date. Ever.
I don't mean with her, I mean with anyone.
'Cause she'll tell everyone. And you'll be f-- well, in a bad situation.

She woke from a dream...

You know what would be even worse? If he's serious. She says yes, and just when he's about to put the ring on her finger and make it official, she says "APRIL FOOLS."
And that's his last date. Ever.

She'd had no idea...

Do the French have April Fools' Day? 'Cause I've always thought the French were humorless. I'm not trying to be racist. The only funny thing I know from France is this painting that says "Ceci n'est pas un pipe".
And that's funny because "pipe" in French is something that sounds like something Freud would think of.
[mouths "PENIS"]

Elle sortir de reve...

[unfortunately, my cell phone picked tonight for its camera/video features to stop working. groar]
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