Nov 10, 2013 00:59
I was feeling a little lonely tonight, but having taught myself German has actually come in handy because I was listening to Klee's Jelängerjelieber album and because I can understand the lyrics, I was inspired to think up my own thought that the universe is speaking all the time in so many ways, even in music and books, and in people I have not met, and in people who are here now through the internet and who are entertaining me tonight, and so I am never alone. I get to choose which information is the newest and the most informative, and the world is nearly endless, so there is no reason to ever feel the world around me is inadequate. It is there and it is talking in so many different and interesting ways.
Putting myself through trying to pull words out of the throat of members of society who haven't put forth the effort of inputing themselves with information and ideas and beauty... giving a responsive ear to people who assume I've never come in contact with whatever they're currently just discovering or presently excited about-- this is no longer adequate and is just going to make me lonelier. These people are not conversing, though they do not realize this, because talking to somebody involves goodwill to that person as an individual, not goodwill primarily to the ideology or desires being subscribed to or implemented. This is the crucial difference between writing on a wall and having conversation. We need public writing but a conversation must be approached evenhandedly. Understanding that the recipient may already thoroughly understand and even agree with the information being provided is another condition of talking to someone. Without such understanding one is primarily speaking to the self.
Vielen Dank, Jelängerjelieber! Also I love the line in Mein Geheimnis about wearing your mirror through the world.
Das hier ist für alle die,
Die es verstehn
Die in der Tragik der Tragik
Das Schöne sehn
Das hier ist für alle die
Die sich verliern
Die in der Freiheit der Freiheit
Nicht kapituliern
Das hier ist für alle die,
Die alles geben
Die romantisch und voller Mut
Für den einen Tag leben
I feel like the possibilities of life are kind of endless right now if I reach deeply enough and sort through a lot of the red comets that I've been saving up, and that's a really good state of mind to be in.
Ideology is a dangerous and biting beast is what this all boils down to, not that it should be boiled down.
12 minutes ago
Also as Slavoj Zizek has written, the nature of ideology is such that when a person thinks they are finally free of ideology they are actually most under its spell.