Day 2: Meaning Behind Your Blog Name.

Sep 03, 2011 23:11

Jon "Eduardo" Oakwood is obviously not my real name. It's like the Dread Pirate Roberts - nobody would take me seriously if I put my real name here, since it's so boring. It doesn't have the cool, fascinating sound that a nice pseudonym holds.

Anyway, Jon is my middle name. No "H". My paternal grandfather's name was John, so I have a piece of him left in my middle name. I don't know why the spelling was changed.

Eduardo is a name I've always found amusing. My friend and I came up with characters for D&D who were womanizers. His was Fernando, and mine was Eduardo. Later, we made these characters in the MMO Everquest 2 and walked around, "wooing ze ladies" with the characters. Although we accomplished almost nothing while playing them, it was some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game. It's an homage to my favorite EQ2 character.

Oakwood is simply the name of the street I grew up on. That being said, my blog name is nothing more than a slightly altered version of my "porn star" name (middle name + street you grew up on).

30 day livejournal challenge, everquest 2, mmo's

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