Days 8-17; Cutting corners

May 02, 2012 23:14

At my current pace, I'll finish this 30-day thing sometime in 2019, so I've lumped together a bunch of the days and skipped the ones that I don't feel like doing because they're either lame or don't really apply to me...or I'm just too lazy. Good enough for me - at least with multiple topics, this might be a quality entry.

Day 8 - A place you've traveled to

I'm not much of a traveler. I've never left the U.S., and I've mostly stuck close to home. I've been to Colorado, Maine, New York, Florida, etc. Most of my visits were to baseball stadiums, actually. My brother and I had a goal to visit them all one day, so that's something on my to-do list. I've visited the Cubs, White Sox, Indians, Reds, Brewers, Rockies, Pirates, Nationals, Phillies, Marlins, Rays, Braves, Mets, and Tigers.

Day 10 - Something you're afraid of

I don't have any major phobias. My chief fear is not completing all of my goals before I die. I require a certain sense of accomplishment before I feel comfortable, so that'd be horrible to lay dying with regrets like that.

Day 11 - Favorite TV shows

Futurama, South Park, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Scrubs, Monty Python's Flying Circus, the first season of Heroes, The Twilight Zone, Whose Line is it Anyway?, MST3K...

Day 12 - Something you don't leave the house without

Smartass answer: my keys.

Day 13 - Goals

I alluded to life goals earlier, so here are some of them:

1) Publish my own board game
2) Publish a novel
3) Record a CD
4) Visit every MLB ballpark
5) Achieve some of the crazy things on my "If I were a multi-billionaire" list

Oh, and the most important:

6) Be happy. Always.

Day 17 - Something you look forward to

I always look forward to summer. It's my favorite season. Also, I love nerd conventions, and my favorite, Gencon, occurs in August. I look forward to this each year because it's a gaming retreat for nerds like me. Despite the lingering smell of body odor due to thousands of obese gamers sweating due to overexertion (walking), I still enjoy it. In terms of the smell at Gencon, I am not embellishing. If it wasn't so hilarious, I'd think it was kind of gross.
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