So I was reading an
article on autism (didn't know what it was so I did a wiki) but I don't see what the problem is?
They say that children with autism are not socially inclined and tend to be preoccupied with consistancy and restricted interests. They say that the child will often tune others out, not always reacting to an action made towards them. Seriously, what's wrong with that?
Just means that they have found something they like, something they will focus on rather than having attention wander every 3 seconds, and don't like being distracted. The whole "not being socially inclined" doesn't mean that they can't communicate with others, it's just they prefer to deal with their own interests independently.
Exerpts from Wikipedia include (and I know I should be citing it's sources rather than wikipedia but I'm lazy right now):
"Some autistic children with relatively good language skills speak like little adults, rather than communicating at their current age level, which is one of the things that can lead to problems."
So, we we need goldilocks children. Can't be a linguaphile or challenged vocabularly, gotta be just right
"Autistic individuals may sometimes also develop obsessions or routines around foods, restricting what is eaten to certain colors, textures or types of food; alternatively they may obsessively avoid certain foods with similar characteristics."
They eat what they like due to colour/texture and avoid those that they don't? Problem being?
"spends a lot of time lining things up or putting things in a certain order."
So we expect our kids to be slobs? What's wrong with being orderly and a perfectionist?
doesn't smile when smiled at.
Anyways, they say autism is on the rise and that it really isn't a surprise. Problem with these statements is that these surveys tend to look at an absolute number rather than a percentage. With the growth of a nation, all disorders would be on a rise since there are more people with the potential of having such a disorder.
In any case, I think I'm becoming more jaded when reading the news and stats; most all articles are a device for fear-mongering in an attempt to keep the reader's interest.
For example, a 'news' report is ridiculed here about
how the DS is a gateway for child molesters!