Jan 02, 2006 01:53
So it's a new year...
the night had a ball at shira which failed, then to penn's landing where my mind flew the coop, hyper hyper dancing and spinning, it was a very long episode of studity and insanity adn rubbish, endding with my hand bleeding and the last ten minutes of 05 and first ten of 06 just kinda blurry. Then i had a nice long talk with Kung Fu Tzu, who i know was a statue but he was smart and wise, albiet sexist, it twas an interesting talk. Then walking toward the el i tried to invent my own meausurment system but this failed because i only know the stupid american system well enough to visually relate one object to another. such as my arm, i was thinking i could make my arm the base unit but i don't even know my height in comparison to my arm length. then my mind came back and i watched Narnia with Gumby via bootleg and it was a craptastic movie.
What's a year change in my life...
04-05 i spent this holiday with allison and passion, 05-06 with gumby bunny and jesse. 04-05 i would lose my mind to to a different me once in while, 05-06 i would lose my mind into chaos tantrums of depressed panicing anxious nothing. 04-05 my body was in tip top shape, i could pretty much fly, 05-06 my knees are gone, my shoulders don't always work, my right elbow and wrist go as well, and lastly my left hip-leg jont things is messed up randomly. Blah enough of this crap!
Los años mantienen la venida, la muerte me caza al acecho de la sombra. Doy gracias ésos que mantienen la luz alrededor de mí.