Sep 20, 2005 23:10
Tis time for a great performance, of my own creation as much as anyone can claim, as an actor upon the stage of life. The key is to act as if not acting but instead living the part, for if I do well it will be as an eagle in the sky. Nay, but as a duck in flight with it's kin.
And yet the time draws ever nigh, an anxious tremble isn't allowed to be seen as the curtain opens. An actor is a master of trades; the doctor need knowledge and a hand a steadiness, the speaker does too require knowledge but a steady voice as opsed to hand, the dancer graceful movements, but the actor is in need of them all. As any script shall call upon and as those of mine kin may falter from the script I must try to keep as true to script as possible hoping to end this show with diginity rather then... well... you know...
And so doth the curtain rise...