The Daily Show taping report 23/6-10

Jun 25, 2010 10:29

Hey guys. I'm finally going to post the TDS taping report from Wednesdays show. I have been kind of busy the last few days with going around in New York being a dorky tourist. I am now back in LA though, but my heart is filled with love. NYC is awesome. If you haven't been there yet, go there! I might join you!

So I was first in line and it felt kinda awkward cause I had no idea where the line was. But I just sat down, and it happened to be the right spot. Yay me! Cause of the heat the time went slower, but I chatted with some people so time went by. When we came into the studio we got to sit by the VIP people. So the support performer was the same guy as on Colbert yesterday and he did the same jokes. Still funny though. He introduced Jon and I went wild. He looked so much better IRL then on tv and I was just so amazed. I mean, its Jon Stewart. So he starts Q&A and my hand goes up in the air, and BAM he took my question right away. I'm going to try remember what he said exactly cause I was pretty shocked.

Stewbeef: Yes, lady in the back!
Me: First of all, I want you to know that you are my hero.
Stewbeef: Oh that is very sweet of you. You're really sweet. I wouldn't say that a short astmatic jew is a good hero. Where are you from?
Me: Sweden.
Stewbeef: Sweden? Oh how lovely! You're just visiting New York?
Me: Yes.
Stewbeef: So you went to New York to see me?
Me: Basically yes.
Stewbeef: So wait, you watch me in Sweden?
Me: Of course.
Stewbeef: So people actually like me in Sweden?
Me: YES!!
Stewbeef: Maybe I should visit Sweden some day.Leave this new york bubble. So Swedes like me? Maybe you want a lock of my jewfro?
Me: *laughs* Totally.
Stewbeef: *points at Tina* that your friend?
Me: My sister.
Stewbeef: So you're both Swedish. So basically everyone in Sweden are blondes?
Me: *laughs*
Stewbeef: So what is your question miss?
Me: Why did you choose to send Wyatt Cenac to Sweden and not to other countries that are "socialistic". Example Denmark?
Stewbeef: *turns to audience* So we sent Wyatt to Sweden to do a bit about socialism in Sweden. Basically cause in the American news they have talked about Sweden as "evil socialists". And why we didnt go to Denmark for example is that most Americans dont want to associate with Denmark, and also its cable baby, we couldn't afford going to Denmark.

So that was that. I was so amazed when he went on to the another question. Some girls in the far back said they were blogging about their daily show experiences and asked what they should write about him. And one girl goes like: I only blog about how hot you are. And everyone got wild. So Jon goes like: Hmm. Maybe I should sit down at my desk. And was starting to like show us his butt as he walked. My god it was so much fun.

So I got to see Jon, Ollie and Larry. Outside the studio I saw Jason Jones across the road. Jon also recorded the intro for the global edition and goes like: So this is for the international audience, for like example, well Sweden! (winks at me).

I can die happy now

xposted to my journal and tumblr

taping report, the daily show

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