700,000,000,000 & PRIDE

Oct 02, 2008 13:34

America deserves to be taken over because not enough people are willing to fight for her. They are dead weight, and they need to be burned off.

It's 700 billion (that's 700,000,000,000 dollars) granted only when the few get their perks. They're calling it "pork", I'm calling them BRIBES. Bribes, and We The People get sold down the river.

But this stupid two-party political system keeps the electorate at each other's throats while Rome burns. Democrat, Republican, they have BOTH sold us out.

We are distracted by the spectacle of who's old, who's black, who's female...and nobody sees that Rome is burning

Because the TV is controlled by the same damn corrupt old men who lobby Washignton...the same men who have the most to lose in the stockmarket.and of course the media, and they hype us up seven ways from Sunday.

Tickers at the bottom of the screen, sensationalism on the main screen, and three more picture-in-picture screens of other things to look at so we can only catch bits and pieces of the rest...and only the bits and pieces which are designed to incite us more.

Are you already losing interest? Have you skipped to this spot? Do you not see your attention span is short? TV did that to you, but will you stop watching it? No...it's the "opiate of the masses" and you are hopelessly addicted.

But that's what you do. American idiots only watch the hype...

and we are too damn ignorant to figure out that we are being distracted, and too damn lazy to do anything about it even if we found out we were and what's REALLY going on

Americans are sheep, and they deserve to be slaves.

But God forbid anyone points it out...they'll burn you at the stake.

Because Americans are not just ignorant and lazy...they are afflicted with that classic symptom which afflicts all who are ignorant and lazy...PRIDE.

America, home of the brave and the free...except the brave and the free they're talking about are all DEAD.

What's left over is YOU and you're just like me...we are slaves to the 400 some odd men who control our fate and our destiny, and all we do is turn on the TV and tune out on garbage like Runway Models and Dancing with the Stars. You disgust me. I disgust me.


My GOD what does it take to get you people mad?

Screw it. Just ignore me and go watch the next Survivor-whatever.

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