Feb 08, 2006 21:58
I cannot believe they kicked Nick off of Project Runway. I mean, I knew they wouldn't kick Santino off. He's good TV. I still hate him. Except I saw a clip or two where I almost didn't hate him. Oh wait. I forgot. I have noticed this on at least 3 occasions - Santino's left arm swings uncontrolably while his right arm doesn't really move when he walks. Seriously. Watch next time. It's really annoying. I like to watch people's walks.
the reason i love Tim Gunn - "Andrae, look at this flotsam and jetsam!" about the moss all over the floor
one more Project Runway remark - i need daniel vosovic. he really might be my soulmate. and if he DOES have a boyfriend.....well, i dunno. i'm not going to kill him. maybe daniel has a brother.....wait. no. we're getting married. that's that. period. tampoon.
exactly how weird is it that i carry a tampon in my purse? or that i carry a purse? i kind of like going to fun places (e.g. the union or the str8 bars) and having people look at me weird. we went to The Alley onnnnnn friday night and right before we left this random boy asked if he could hold my purse. i was worried that he was going to steal it. omg, he could have. i can't be so trusting. but i have a pic of it. oh my.
You intentionally roll seeds in your joints on independence day so you can hear the popping because you don't have money to buy fireworks.
i don't even like joints. but i think that's funny.