Apr 17, 2005 19:21
Let's start this one off with a cliche, a rhetorical question where the author asks his audience if they relate...
You ever realize how sometimes people can piss you off?
Good job asshole, real deep, I'm sure you've hooked your audience. Not even a good rhetorical question. Yeah, dickhead, sometimes people suck. So let's get on with your petty little rant about how bad your life sucks...
There's these little shits from Willis High School, yeah, Willis, little po-dunk ass town with nothing going for it, and these fuckers get online and think they know something, like they have a right to publish ANYTHING at all. No life experience, no real clue of what life is like, and they wanna try and call ME out for being "pretentious" and "full of myself." Fuck off, shitheads, you don't know me, you don't know shit, and you have no clue what you're talking about. And furthermore, fuck everyone from everywhere. People really just piss me off. You have on the right these overly religious nuts who have no clue what religion and spirituality really are, trying to run the whole damn country from a theocratic standpoint, shoving their pro-life, pro-Christian agenda down everyone's throat as if they hold some sort of monopoly on ethics and morality. Fuck that. And then, on the left, you have these pretentious-ass bourgeouise bitches who think they're smarter than everyone, who spend all their time talking, like talking ever accomplished anything. They want to act like they are the only ones who have ever done any research into any issue whatsoever, and act like no one else has the right to an opinion, because they're the only one's who know anything. Fuck that. You are not hot shit. And you are not even that educated. There are more facets to the women's rights issue than the "right to an abortion," and there are more facets to the liberal agenda than abortion and gay marriages. Why always focus on the issues that turn people off? I mean, I associate myself withthe left, and I'm even tired of always hearing about gay marriage and abortion. These are smokescreens, the right is attacking us on these issues because they want to take focus off of their real fuck-ups, and make us look like a bunch of crazy immoral baby-killers and gay tree-huggers. And all we've managed to do is prove them right! c'mon, let's talk about some real shit, let's think about what really needs to happen in Iraq, from a logical standpoint. We're engaged in a long-term nation-bulding project here, and if we can't get our shit together and have some sort of consensus as to what needs to be done, there is no way we can possibly convince other nations to help us. Stop flashing your stupid bumper-stickers about pulling out of Iraq, about ending occupation. Stop chanting "No blood for oil!" We're already fucking therem for good or for ill, and the worst thing we can do now is say we're sorry and leave. Look what happened in Iran. We left too soon, and that's why there's still a problem. If we're going to fix it, let's fucking fix it. As a nation, as a unified population, let's decide to do what is logical and reasonable and end the occupation of Iraq the right way, and that's to finish what we goddamned started. And social-security, instead of fucking running around having mock-gay-weddings and flying big banners about a woman's right to early termination, let's stand up and tell the right to shut the fuck up about morality and religion and give us some goddamned answers as to what they plan to do with social-security. Let's no longer allow them to get away with the sneaky back-handed agenda-setting that they've succeeded at for the past decade or so. When they say that people on John Kerry's boat didn't get along with him, let's say, "shut the fuck up, what do you plan to do with our crumbling international policy? What are you going to do with social-security? How are you going to maintain and even raise the standard of living in this country? Answer that shit, assholes, and shut the fuck up about these issues that you obviously don't even care about."
But what do we do instead? We play defense. We let them win. We roll over and spend millions of dollars trying to clear our candidate's name, trying to make them look good for the American people. Yeah, that worked. Dumbasses. Stop letting them question our accountability, let's make them show some of their own. Look at Tom DeLay. his ass is the biggest scumbag in politics today. Not even republicans like him, or at least they won't admit it publicly. But he's kicking our ass on every front, and it makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.
And back to Kerry...what the fuck. No more compromise candidates. No more bullshit middle-of-the-road make-everyone-happy candidates who look and sound good but have no substance. Let's have someone who will shake shit up, who will make positive change and do shit that makes sense. And no more split tickets. No more running mates who are so opposed idealogically that they can barely present a united front. no more of this conservative president/liberal VP bullshit. Let's show people a team that agrees, that is united, that looks fucking excited to work together.
Bottom-line, I never again want to vote against someone, I only want to vote for someone.
You've got three years to get your shit together, and you've got to come to grips with the fact that you'll be up against McCain. He will beat you senseless, unless you start acting now, start looking at real issues and building up a strong power-base of constituents that actually agree with you. Yellow-dogs alone will never win an election, you've got shake things up, turn heads, fucking scare the shit out of the right. Who cares if the candidate has pretty hair, speaks eloquently, and leans only towards the middle? Stop trying to win votes, start trying to actually get shit done.
And fuck New York. Yeah, I said it. I'm tired of all these fuckers walking around with their New York attitudes, hair-cuts, and styles. New York is NOT where it's at. This is Austin Texas. Sotp trying to be so weird all the time, and stop talking about your fucking three week visit to New York. No one cares.
And on top of that, the Yankees fucking piss me off. How can you love New York when their baseball team is the Yankees? The Red Sox are so much more indie, they're the underdog champions of the world, but still, you fuckers walk around with your I heart NY shirts like that shit is NOT already played out to death. Fuck off. If you love NY so much, fucking move there. I'm tired of seeing your ass on the street.
Real intelligent, you feel better? Dumbass.