(no subject)

Aug 08, 2004 23:31

Nice watch out ladies because a have many crushes

Any Chicks that have something to say about that I SHALL PROVE IT...nice

Ummmmm I am watching the X games and there is some awesome shit. I am going to go camping next week. That sounds fun. Did some lawn care at some guys house and he gave me and Chris 30 bucks and said he wants us to work again on Friday. Went to the movies today with my boy Zac Anderson. I tried to sneak us in and it didnt work so we had to buy tickets. WE saw that Harold and kemor white castle movie, It was pretty funny. THen I just hung out with Zac and Chris for a while then that cool guy Kyle Lesbie came by with his ride and we drove around then everyone went home and know I am talking to some friends on the net. Well leave me a comment you cocks. Tell me how summer is going and what not.

Cross Country training tomorrow.......8 at wood....BE THERE

HAHAHAHA i took it again and it said this

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