May 16, 2004 14:05
Man Coles hotel party was awesome. Me and about 8 other people did nothing but sit around and talk. Just playing it was hella gay. Cole you are a flamming homo for wasting my time telling me there was going to be hella hot chicks there. My ass what chick would want to hang out with Cole. Well i dont really want to write hella, but i'll sum it done for you. Went to the band festaval, Went to the movies with ryan sam and my boy Eirik. Kim flaked on us.....again. Then i went to burrito palace with sam and then went to coles hella gay hotel party, went to the movies to try to pick up chicks, we failed. Then almost got arrested and now i am here after going to the base and then working out for all those ladies out there. Now i am hanging out with chris and ryan alves naked in my bedroom so i'll have to get back to you on that on. FUCK COLE YOU SUCK