Why does everything go so fucking wrong! ...I mean right ;-)

Mar 22, 2006 16:02

Everything is coming up trumps!

I got my animation marks back yesterday, the lecturer who marked it said and I quote, 'I strongly recommend you enter the graphics and animation industry', which is cool, but I don't want to do that. He also said that to be inspired by an artist and then express myself in a totally different way in a different medium was very impressive. I'd much rather flick between television comedy/drama and film with occasional animation. Also, the mark was 77% (not quite as high as my mighty 85% but still fucking rocking!), which is my third first, giving me a total of 70% for last semester which is fucking awesome, it means I'm well on my way to getting a first class honour degree or a 1:1 BSc (Hons) which'll look so good on a CV!

Add to that, I've got work experience in London, Ealing to be exact, working on a short film for the BBC, thanks to Werner (who awarded me one of my three firsts!) and I'll be doing stuff like lighting and camera assistant or something that isn't too tea related, because it is a proper shoot, there will be food and drink supplied!

And my scanner is working again, yay!


jonny x
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