embracing the random

May 11, 2004 21:46

being random is great. in the same vein, i've always though it best to just take every random excretion from your mouth, and throw it on a piece of paper. in this case, it usually goes into a live journal, as i've so been accused of being incredibly random on here.

for instance, if you take a moment to think for yourself, and after thinking for a few seconds you come up with the following: i'm in my late teens or early twenties and i still use my speak and spell every day... then by all means... write that down.

i further emplore you to walk around the house all day and mimic the sounds of a speak and spell. people like that kinda thing.

maybe you can tell that this is me being really tired and silly. youre right. youve never been more right actually. then again... ive never been this tired. i think i'll just keep writing because i really dont have anything good to discuss right now.

that, and.. i never really do.. its just that everything seems to come out funny, so i figure ill just put it into a post for the world to read. ambitious you say? prententious you say? what DO you say? please post your comments here....

i'm open to any suggestions. i'm always open to them actually... from anyone. if you feel the need to tell me: "JD! youre hair needs to GO man... completly. go bald!" you have the right to do so. i also have the right to not listen. as a matter of fact... if you do say something like that, i most likely will not listen.

so i dunno. im rambling. but, i guess thats the point right? i mean what is rambling anyways? isnt it just another me-ism thing? we all know about me-ism right? its when you cant go two seconds without... well maybe you already read THAT post. heh. or maybe not... if not, i highly recommend it. highly...

speaking of random... i like... paper clips.

there comes a time when we have to decide to pull the plug on something. in this case, its this post. in some cases, its a vaccum. in other cases... its... a.. toaster. in others.. its... a... liposuction machine. i dunno...

this entry is getting incredibly boring. it's neither funny nor coherent. its too long. im too tired. i havent lost my touch, im ok. ill be back in action soon. i just need to rest. i need a nap. if i was flying down a desert highway... and i happen to lead a certain policeman on a chase, only to pull over anyways... he would tell me that i really need to take a nap. im gonna. this entry... its diseased... something i wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole. i wouldnt even touch it with a twenty foot pole at that. i feel filthy even being one foot from my monitor right now typing this thing.

i need to go..

im going...


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