May 16, 2006 17:19
Closest red thing to you?
a diskette
Last thing to make you angry?
conglomerate: verizon wireless (there isnt enough napalm in the world)
Are you a fan of romance?
yes... big fan :)
Closest orange thing to you?
another diskette
Do you like to burn things?
JD <---- pyromaniac
Dress up for halloween?
no thanks satan
Are you usually a warm-hearted person?
Do you have anything against ginger hair?
only when its in small slices and sitting next to my sushi
Are you usually full of energy?
not in the a.d.h.d. kind of way
Closest yellow thing to you?
another diskette
Happiest time of your life?
lobster days
Favorite holiday?
favorite humorous moment in pondering how america has more holidays than anything. excuses to stay home from work and consume? i dont have any favorites in that department.
What makes you smile?
others who smile at me. most likely ill smile back.
Are you a coward?
no unless bees are present. then i scream like an old lady.
Do you burn or tan?
im not tan right now. maybe in a few months. that involve trips to the beach.
Closest green thing to you?
yes another diskette (they come in all kinds of colours)
Do you care about the environment?
yes. then i order paper AND plastic.
Are you jealous of anyone right now?
Are you a lucky person?
are we supposed to believe in luck? tsk tsk.
Do you always want what you can't have?
i have everything that i want :)
Do you like being outdoors?
yes. i even like bringing the outdoors indoors. unless of course its a south providence crackhead. then mom would get upset. me too...
Closest blue thing to you?
no blue diskettes here.
Are you good at calming people down?
Do you like the sea?
Last thing to make you cry?
too personal really. its not really anyones business. sorry.. but you know.. i get grumpy.. i like my space you know?
Are you a logical thinker?
Can you sleep easily?
Closest Purple thing to you?
no purple diskettes either
Like being treated to expensive things?
unless im treating myself to those expensive things. in other words... yes...
Do you like mysterious things?
Favorite type of chocolate?
Ever met anyone in royalty?
why would i want to?
Are you creative?
Closest pink thing to you?
no pink diskettes around here.
Do you like sweet foods?
yes. dessert. mmm.
Like play-fighting?
yes depends with who it is.
Are you sensitive?
in certain ways yes. in certain ways no.
Do you like punk music?
depends on my mood and if its creative enough. do i like blink-182? never.
And honestly, where does "punk" fit into questions about "pink" anyways? are they implying that Pink is "punk"? That is hilarious. How about questions that pertain to Punk:
Closest "punk" thing to you?
Do you like "punk" foods?
no such thing really.
Like "punk"-fighting?
well... i would fight punks.
Are you "punk"?
im not a punk.
ok... better...
Closest white thing to you?
printer paper
Would you say you're innocent?
Always try to keep the peace?
try. unless funny things happen from disrupting the peace.
How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one?
its in talks :) not that i would let the general public know anyways.
Do you like to play in the snow?
yes but not in the summer or spring or autumn. its virtually impossible unless of course you live in the arctic.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?
no. although, i hope this doesnt sound too pathetic. once, i got really sick and i was afraid to go to the doctors because i didnt want him to say that something was seriously wrong. it was the flu. *shrugs*
Closest black thing to you?
Ever enjoy hurting people?
sadist much?
Are you sophisticated or silly?
either or. sometimes... both.. at the same time.
Afraid of death?
no. we have a bright future ahead of us.
Would you like to go to space?
Do you have a lot of secrets?
i just thought of one so i could answer "yes."
What is your favorite color?
green among others.
Does the color you wear affect your mood?
no just this survey.
What color would you think best symbolizes your personality?
not sure