May 23, 2005 19:21
my mom went to a garage sale last weekend and found me a laptop for $35 dollars! yeah yeah i know what your all must be the crappiest laptop ever made. nope. no way i say (oh my gosh what am i thinking with that anyway it was almost $2500 two years ago when the guy bought it and he said it needs a battery, which i does, cause i won't keep a charge and he didn't feel like dealing with it cause he blew the motherboard. okay well he must have been a retard cause he didn't blow the mother board. im typing on it right now with a wireless connection. maybe things are heading in another direction after those last posts.
and thats not the only good news...
i went in to fill out some paper work at my new job and found out that they are making me shift lead which is basically the lowest manager you can be. the point is that im a manager now! im pretty surprised cause they are going to let me close the store all by myself but ya know. im not gonna do anything stupid i just find it pretty surprising how easy it would be for someone to steal.
other than that my parents are going out of town for the weekend and me and danielle get the house all to ourselfs. i don't think it's going to be anything surprising but it will be kind of cool for us. ill just have to remember to let the dog out to pee. lol...SHE GONNA PEE HERSELF. im gonna try to clean my room before friday so we can accually have some living space around this mug.
chad called me today too so im happy cause i love him so. HI CHADWICK!