what a fucking night

May 08, 2005 04:07

as eventful as the day was it still was not exciting. the day started pretty typical with renting some new movies that i had not yet seen (Sideways, Auto Focus) then it was off to the first party that was not much of a party at the time. there were a few bands that were going to play but after hearing the first two i decided to boogy off the a bar to collect myself. the it was off to a bachelor party for a friend that i havent talked to much since high school. it was nice that they invited me and i like seeing how they were all doing well but, the sad part was they still have not left high school. sure they are all getting married and have full time jobs but their mind set was still very much the same. even the music that they listen to was the same. and when the "stripper" came you would think that the party was at their parents house. we were doing something naughty. and holly shit the "stripper" was even sadder. she was on so much speed you couldnt understand a word of what she was saying and the "dancing" was basicly her having a seizure and speaking in toungs. she was a little on the heavy side while bruises covered her arms. it was not easy for the guys to handle seeing as none of them have ever really been around any real drugs before so no one knew what to expect. even for me it was a bit much i have to admite even for some one who knows the effect of drugs. i soon made my way out and back to the first party that had growen quite a bit since i was last there. there was a whole nother story. glass breaking, fights, enough drugs and alcohol to kill off a small army. but we could take it we are a strange breed. and the one thing this party had was girls, lots of girls of all ages, sizes, looks, and breeds. same as it ever was. i wanted to bring the high school friends over to the party but i knew that it wasnt their scene. they like not knowing what lurks outside of suberbia. i just wish that they could open their minds and relax. but i got to tell ya the panic on their faces when that "stripper" came in was priceless. what the fuck do you expect when you bring a hooker into your home to get naked in front of you and your friends it sure as hell isnt going to be some goody goody girl next door. they need the curage to do this; hense the drugs.
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