Dec 22, 2005 11:02
Things Girls should Know about Guys
Guys HATE sluts.
guys hate sluts who know they are but say they arnt.
"Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" - two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.
Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
Guys get jealous easily.
Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful. If a guy uses that, he likes you.
Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.