Sep 27, 2005 01:33
First best friend: ian jones
First car: 93 escort
First screen: nickeakabutta the one and only
First self-purchased album: sound garden
First funeral: My Grandpa
First pets: fish
First piercing/Tattoos: My ear
First credit card: visa
First enemy: dont have ne
First big trip: Disney World
Last car ride: went to 7-11 with big E money
Last good cry: right now
Last library book checked out: eh who knows
Last movie seen in theatres: corps bride
Last beverage drank: liptin ice tea
Last food consumed: white popcorn
Last crush: somegirl
Last phone call: Danielle but she didnt pick up
Last time showered: earlier
Last shoes worn: flip flops
Last item bought: M&M's
Last annoyance: myself
Last time wanting to die: today
Who are your best friends?: my life long best friend who i will always love for 15 years now rachel france Michalke, but sandra, bert, josh.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? naw there to confusing, never know what they want
Where is your favorite place to shop? MALL
Any tattoos or piercing?: my ear
1.Do you do drugs? nope
2.What kind of shampoo do you use? sauve
3.What are you most scared of? nothing scares me.
4.What are you listening to right now? dead silence
5.Where do you want to get married? outside or where ever idk
6.How many buddies are online? 44
7.What would you change about yourself? i wish i didnt care about things as much as i do,
1.Color: green
2.Food: mexican
3.Girls Names: lexa, ashlee, mckenzie
4.Boys Names: brandon, jonathan, zack
5.Subjects: math
6.Animals: cat
7.Sports: football,basketball amd hockey
1.Given anyone a bath? yea
2.Smoked? yea
3.Bungee jumped? no
4.Made yourself throw up? yes
5.Skinny-dipped? yes
6.Been in love? thought i was but just lust!!!!!!
7.Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? naw
8.Pictured your crush naked? haha yea
9.Seen your crush naked? not my current one
10.Cried when someone died? yea
11.Lied? yea, not to ones i love
12.Fallen for your best friend? fuck no.
13.Been rejected? yeah
14.Rejected someone? yeah
15.Used someone? nope
16.Done something you regret? YES
1.Clothes? shorts and a long sleve shirt
2.Music? mike jones
3.Make-up? none
4.Annoyance? myself.
5.Smell? rain
6.Favorite artist? my lil bro
7.Desktop picture? me and my cousins on the beach with our boggy boards
8.Book your reading? i forget the name
9.Cd in player? crossfade
10.Dvd in player? what???
You touched? E
Hugged? bert
You imed? melissa
1.Understanding? try to be
2.Open-minded? yes
3.Arrogant? yes
4.Insecure? most ppl are
5.Interesting? i try to be
6.Hungry? always am
7.Smart? yes
8.Moody? i hate moody ppl
9.Hardworking? usualy
10.Organized? NO
11.Healthy? is fast food healthy?
12.Shy? NO
13.Attractive?u tell me, haha
14.Bored easily? pending on what im doing but no
15.Responsible? yes
16.Obsessed? can be
17.Angry? yes
18.Sad? yes
19.Disapointed? a lil bit
20.Happy? no
21.Hyper? no
22.Trusting? yeah
23.Talkative? sometimes
1.Kill?: alot of ppl
2.Slap?: ........
3.Get high with?: im on on life
4.Look like?: geraed way lol ;)
5.Talk to offline?: uhh i duno
6.Talk to online?:i dunno
7.Hang out with?:everyone
1.In the morning I am: tired
2.All I need is: life
3.Love is: FAKE, no such thing
4.I dream about: random things
1.Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
2.Flowers or Candy: candy
3.Tall or short: short
4.Liquor or beer? beer
1.What do you notice first: eyes
2.Last person you danced with: omg ehh some girl at my cousins wedding i stood up in last sept
3.Worst question to ask me: whats wrong
4.Who makes you laugh the most?: bert
5.Who makes you smile: lol idk lol
6.Who gives you a funny feeling: this one girl
7.Who do you have a crush on: i think she knows
8.Who has a crush on you: fuck if i know
1.Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: eh yea................
2.Save conversations: like 2
3.Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
4.Wish you were younger: no and yea, im actually 19 to many ppl
5.Cry because someone said something to you: not cryed but was very dissapointed
1.Of times i have had my heart broken: 3
2.Of hearts i have broken: idk a coupple
3.Of girls i've kissed: i dont know
4.Of continents i have lived in: 2343245664568778
5.Of tight friends: 2-3
6.Of cds i own? haha fuck off question
7.Of scars on body: 4