(no subject)

Apr 30, 2006 17:57


1. Next person you'll kiss: Billy

2. Next movie you want to see: Probably something X rated…

3. Next car you want to have: A car?

4. Next time you're going out: Soon I don’t wanna give up any details

5. Next time you're going to move: We just moved.

6. Next time you're going to smoke: I’m smoking now.

7. Next time that you will drink alcohol: Probably not for a while.

8. Next person you are going to call?: I’m going to call my Billy here in a few because I miss him much.

9. Next thing you are going to do?: After this? Call Billy.

10. Next place you'll take vacation?: It’s a seceret

11. Next thing you are going to eat?: Probably nothing

12. Next time you plan to be drunk: According to Ville tonight?

13. Next thing you are going to do outside: Piss?


1. Last kiss?: I kissed Christus’ cheek cause he said something really sweet.

2. Last person you hugged?: Christus again.

3. Last person you spoke to?: Lauri

4. Last alcoholic beverage?: Jack

5. Last movie you watched?: Finding Nemo

6. Last person you thought of?: Billy

7. Last time you went to school: A few years ago.

8. Last person you said "I love you" to: Billy

9. Last run in with the Law: Haven’t had one luckily

10. Last fight you were in: Ville

11. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: bar the other night.

12. Last person you e-mailed: My record company

13. Last thing you ate: I really don’t remember.

14. Last thing you saved up money for: I’m saving money all the time, um the last thing was for my house and baby.


1. First Serious Relationship?: Billy

2. First heartbreak?: Ville

3. First mode of transportation: My feet?

5. First pet: My cute little puppy that fits in my purse.

6. First word: isa

7. First concert: I don’t remember

8. First alcoholic beverage: Vodka

9. First time you stayed out all night: I don’t remember

10. First best friend(s): Billy and William.

11. First job: I don’t want to say.
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