Sweden Rock 2009

Jun 05, 2009 20:45

Sweden Rock Festival, YAY!

: ) I'm going tomorrow after work! So looking forward to it. I go every year, have done so since I was a child, really. Either with my mom, dad or my friends.

I only live like, 20-30 minutes away from the Festival.  Actually, me and mom drove by there yesterday, and there was so many people! It is so much fun looking at them, the diversity. Not just hard-rock fans, not at all. All sorts of people come, but what I really love is the whole atmosphere that surrounds it. It just feels soo good to be there! There are hardly any fights there as well, and that is saying something, considering it's the biggest festival in Scandinavia.

I love it <3


Yesterday was my last day at school as well. Feels nice, but it's kind of sad considering I'm going abroad for a year to study and I won't see all of my classmates. Not until our third year will we gather again... Ah well, that's life I guess : ) People come and go through your life.

sweden rock 2009

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