Aug 21, 2005 01:02
I've had alot of mixed emotions lately. I've been super busy at work, and since my job is mindless unskilled labor, I have alot of time ot think. More than ever lately, I like to think I've been looking at things in a better light, a more eternal perspective.
I've been working like MAD at work, and loving it. The last 3 weeks have been over 65 hours. And I don't even work on Sunday! Egads. But it's fianlyl nice because my managers and co-workers are finally starting to notice all the hard work I really do around there. Too bad it took over a year to happen. But I'm super excited to leave in December, no matter where it is I go. It will be good to just leave my life I have here behind and lose myself in helping others. Very excited, almost antsy for it to get here. The holidays will make it go by quickly, and I've got some medical stuff to do until then.
For whatever reason, I've been thinking about girls and marriage alot lately. Very much so the hopeless romantic at heart, it's something that I can't help but fall upon whnever my mind is elsewise idle. I guess I'll just dream until then for that special someone. And chances are good that I'm going to have to divorce my job if I ever want to meet her. I think no matter what the facade I choose or style I wear, I'll always be an emo kid at heart.
Going to bed now. CSU is all up and running as of Monday, and so my ward is going to explode with people and new faces, and THAT is what I love most of all.