I should be buying my RV in the next few days :-D
Will post pictures and probably make a new journal just for the trip. Here's my current route:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=12337+NW+48th+Dr,+Pompano+Beach,+FL+33076&daddr=University+of+Florida,+Union+Rd,+Gainesville,+Alachua,+Florida,+United+States+to:New+Orleans,+LA+to:Biloxi,+MS&mra=pi&mrcr=2&sll=29.53523,-87.099609&sspn=19.46998,39.638672&ie=UTF8&z=5&om=0 Will say at UF one night on my way up to New Orleans for Mardi Gras,.. I should be there around 2/2 to 2/6. After that will meet my mom in Biloxi, MS from 2/8 to 2/11, then fly to Nashville for a bit for my anniversary with Collette (2 years :-D) and Valentine's day. After flying back to Biloxi I'll probably make a beeline for the southwest, but we'll see as it gets closer.