As you might imagine from the "vast" traffic on my page, I write mainly for myself.
However, just to help with the sudden onset of full blow Trekkiness here, I'll mention how this state of affairs developed.
Now, those having been hit by the media blitz might well assume that my new found Trekkie faith has been spurred on by the new
Star Trek movie set to come out May 8. While I'll admit to having been impressed by the trailers, the new movie is not at the heart of the action. And after all, we do have to realize that this is, in many ways the same idea that a decade or so ago was shouted down by the fan base, who hated the idea of a reboot of TOS. Now, hungry Trekkies/Trekkers who have not even had a new show running for the last four years after 18 years of mainlining new shows and movies.
I however, got derailed in the last season of Deep Space 9 (basically due to TV reception, work, and young fatherhood). I abandoned the voyage in Voyager even before that, and I never signed on for Enterprise. My Trek hiatus has been much longer.
The main motivation actually has to be laid at the feet of
Chadu as the author of the
PDQ# rules set (available free) and a set of
links Chad posted on some work done by
markwalt did adapting the free PDF# rules for Star Trek.
First PDQ# is a bright little rule set of simple rules designed to flexibly support a vast number of situations and narratives. It underlies a new game called Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies (
S7S ), which looks pretty brilliant (I have the pdf and the limited edition hardback is coming). The utter simplicity, yet supportive depth of PDQ# completely energizes me to think that easy Star Trek role playing could be in my grasp, and the information (actual play!) Posted supports my sense. Added to that Skyship combat (really cool) from S7S and I can imagine much Trek goodness.
That said, the touchstone of the revival was PDQ#/Trek rules, catalyzed with the new movie trailers dredging up all that I had invested in watching, enjoying and building friendships on Trek. It all comes back.
Perhaps it will be a brief revival, but I am glad to have these feelings and memories and to have some creative juices flowing on the Trek vibe for now. And now, perhaps I'll get back to my narrative stories.