an update!!!

May 31, 2002 12:57

Well, In about 20 mins or so Im gonna be on my way home!!! Im excited about this... Cause Alicia is getting married!!! yeah-I know, its crazy! But Im happy for her (you)!
I got out of Upward Bound Training early! They went suprisingly well! And I just can't wait for it to start now, partly cause I want it to be over fast; but overall I think it will be a good experience! I finally got my schedule today... That's been what has been holding me back all week! I found out I have two nights off next week too! So that is great great great!!! My off time, during the evenings anyways will be spend with Brandon! Yeeepiieee! ;) I haven't got to discuss the schedule with him yet, but I will when I see him again! And if you are reading this I will get to see you on Tuesday and Wednesday nights! I will tell you more about it when I talk to you! It is weird cause the next five weeks are planed out for me in like 2 hour blocks... And Im weird cause I kind of like the structure! I know sometimes Im just like really spontanious and wanna do whatever, but this is very organized and will totally prevent the cahos that has the possiblity of occuring with 150 teenagers!
Well... I need to get off of here and start getting ready to go! Gonna get ready for the ride home and grap a few things to take!!! Check list: April---Im getting that cd! Alicia---Im getting the stuff for YOU!!! And me---take your shoes, jewerly, phone, and whatever else looks fun to grap! ;) okay, enough pointless ramble to myself!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
Brandon 381
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