Title: lee jinki is straight, PERIOD!
pairing: jongyu, 2min, joonew, joondeong.
genre: romance, rumor, school life , angst maybe
rating: pg (this chappie)
warning: grammar mistakes...><
summary: lee jinki, also known as onew, whose friends are all gay, would do anything to prove that his staright, his friend kibum, who was also going to become his classmate/schoolmate next week, decided to celebrate. so he forced onew to go with him in a club... a club for homosexuals.. and that's where onew met jonghyun.
jonghyun's with kibum, minho and taemin, wondering where jinki was, until a book was slammed to the table, he looked up only to see a lee jinki glaring at him.
"what?" asked jinki, irritation evident.
"what have i done now?" asked jjong.
"nothing, why'd you ask?" said jinki, as he sits down next to jjong, since there was no other seats left.
"uhhm, you were glaring at him just now." kibum cuts in, scowling.
"was i?" asked onew.
kibum rolled his eyes, 'how could this smart person be so dumb?' "ugghh" he growled.
"anyway what's this?" jjong asked grabbing the book jinki just slammed into the table awhile ago.
"jeannette walls, the glass castle" onew answered.
"is this all you've got? one book? there's two of us.." said jjong, swaying the book in the air.
"thats all i found... and dont worry, you can finish reading it first, ill read it when your done." said onew
"but the report's the day after tomorrow, you know i've got work jinki" jjong said, his eyes widening as he tells jinki that he wont be able to finish reading the book on time.
"why dont you just read it together? i mean, like go to jinki's apartment and tutor one another there? there's nothing wrong about that, since you two seems like your close, more closer than jinki and me..." kibum cuts in.
jinki frowns at kibum before raising an eyebrow, he grins and asks "is kibummie jealous?"
"uggh, no im not!" said kibum, as he rolls his eyes, and sips at his soda ignoring the grinning jinki in front of him.
"so, what do you say jinki?" jjong asks, stealing jinki's attention.
he looks at jjong, stares at him for a minute then finally rolls his eyes and sighs, "ugh, fine, at my apartment after school."
jjong could only smile, as he watch jinki shook his head in annoyance, while kibum sips on his soda nonstop, and 2min whispering sweet nothing at each other's ear.
then he grins, 'tonights gonna be fun'
and jinki gulps as he saw jonghyun grinning like a chashire cat.