Title: Love at first sight Genre: Romance Pairing: Jonghyun/Onew (JongYu) Rating: PG Warning(s): lovesick!Jonghyun :/ Summary: Jonhyun is in love. Jinki is in denial.
OMG! This was so cute and funny. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face while reading this. XD~. I am just getting into JongYu, and I loved this. I love how you portrayed Jonghyun; so funny. And Jinki, well he's only precious in my eyes. I am glad they got together in the end. I like happy endings :3.
HA! Snap! My OTP is OnKey too~ but to be honest I have been shipping pretty much any pairing within the SHINee fandom that has Onew in it. Kekekeke~. Biased much :3.
Yey for happy endings! No problem. I'm hoping to read more from you~ your really good.<3.
This was so cute and funny. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face while reading this. XD~.
I am just getting into JongYu, and I loved this.
I love how you portrayed Jonghyun; so funny. And Jinki, well he's only precious in my eyes.
I am glad they got together in the end. I like happy endings :3.
Thanks for sharing this.
I like happy endings too! Thank you so much for the comment <3
Biased much :3.
Yey for happy endings! No problem. I'm hoping to read more from you~ your really good.<3.
Thanks again for your kind words <3
No problem.<3.
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