Interesting posts about writing - w/e April 30 2010

Apr 30, 2010 09:36

Here’s my selection of interesting (and sometimes amusing) posts about writing from the last week:

Writing Between the Lines (dynastic_queen)  [Jon’s pick of the week - A fantastic example of using dialogue]

What’s Blue and White, and goes BOOM all over? (Edward Greaves aka temporus)

Pitching and Selling Your Novel (Jonathan Maberry)

Re-write Wednesday: Don’t Tell Me Why (Janice Hardy - by way of out_totheblack)

Tips for Choosing A Book Title (Shannon Hitchcock aka shannonwh)

The Good ‘No’ That Every Writer Needs (Maurissa Guibord aka mguibord)

We’ve Got Style (L. J. Sellers)

Some Things I Used to Think were True About Writing (Phoebe Kitanidis guest posting on writerjenn's blog)

On Rejection (Jennifer Laughran) by way of tltrent

The Road to Publication; GPS (authorwithin)

(Junior) High School Never Ends! (Please, grow up) (Shalanna Collins aka shalanna)

Poised. or What Terry Pratchett is Teaching Me About Real Characterization (Catherine Schaff-Stump aka cathschaffstump)

Authors Behaving Badly (Jim C. Hines aka jimhines)

If you have a particular favorite among these, please let the author know (and me too, if you have time).  Also, if you've a link to a great post that isn't here, feel free to share.

By the way, someone asked me why I’ve started giving Live Journal folks’ names as well as their LJ handles on these lists. It’s because I also post these weekly links on the blog at Whenever possible, I want promote the poster’s writing name.  If I haven't added yours, and you'd like me to, please let me know.

writing, fiction

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