Here’s my latest selection of interesting (and sometimes amusing) posts about writing:
Skip Those Writing Speed Bumps (Elizabeth Spann Craig)
https://elizabethspanncraig.com/writing-tips-2/speedbumps Self-Promotion Tips (Carrie Pestritto)
www.manuscriptwishlist.com/2016/08/tips-to-promote-yourself-as-an-author-before-and-after-publicationby way of
Laurie Wallmark There Is No Time For Despair (Rachelle Gardner)
https://rachellegardner.com/there-is-no-time-for-despair/ Beta Readers: Who, When, Why, and So What? (Barbara Linn Probst)
https://www.janefriedman.com/beta-readers/ Struggling with Writing Flashbacks? Try Using the P.A.S.T. Method (Becca Puglisi)
https://writershelpingwriters.net/2019/03/struggling-with-writing-flashbacks-try-using-the-p-a-s-t-method-/ Punctuation, Voice, and Control (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
https://kriswrites.com/2019/03/20/business-musings-punctuation-voice-and-control/ Creating Compelling Cadence: Small Changes, Big Impact (Margie Lawson)
https://writersinthestormblog.com/2019/03/creating-compelling-cadence-small-changes-big-impact/ 4 Pacing Tricks to Keep Readers’ Attention (K.M.Weiland)
https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/4-pacing-tricks/ How to Get a Literary Agent (And Why You Need One) (Jerry Jenkins)
https://jerryjenkins.com/how-to-get-a-literary-agent/ No, Really, Why Do You Write? (Heather Webb)
https://writerunboxed.com/2019/03/28/no-really-why-do-you-write/ If you found these useful, you may also like
my personal selection of the most interesting blog posts from 2018, and
my previous list.
If you have a particular favorite among these, please let the author know (and me too, if you have time). Also, if you've a link to a great post that isn't here, feel free to share.