Pitch a story or novel last month? Share a link for a chance to win two 'I are a writer!' pens

Jul 31, 2012 10:46

Share a link to where you submitted your work (pitched/submitted in the month of JULY, 2012) for a chance to win two I are a writer! pens.

Here's how it works:
If you submit/submitted a story to a paying publication sometime this month (even if it only pays in contributer copies) or you pitched a novel to an agent or publisher (either in the form of a query letter or an in-person pitch), share the title AND a link to the relevant publication, publisher, or literary agency, submission page in a comment below (You don't need an LJ account to leave a comment. You can do it through Facebook or Twitter).

Every month, a random commenter will win two 'I are a writer!' pens, as seen in the pic below.

Best of luck to all who take part.

Speaking of pitches and query letters, if you're on LJ, I recommend joining the LJ community, Rejections and Acceptances Log (aka ra_log). Members post details of successes (and rejections), so you know you're not the only one out there shooting for the moon.

writing, pitcher's corner, i are a writer pens, fiction

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